If you are having technical issues with your computer or problems with ONID or Duo, call the OSU Helpdesk at 541-737-8787.

You can also try the following:

  • If you are using a bookmark, delete the bookmark and resave it using the link on the MyTime home page.
  • Clear the cache for the browser you are using.
  • If you continue to have issues, please report them to the EmpCenter team using the contact us link.

If you do not have internet access and are unable to record your time for a particular day, you can simply update your timesheet the next day or when you have access again. 

See the user guide and/or training for your policy profile or the FAQ below for more details on entering time on your timesheet:

Classified Hourly - Enter Time on Timesheet

Classified Salaried Exempt - Enter Time on Timesheet

Classified Salaried Non-exempt - Enter Time on Timesheet

Grad Student - Enter Time on Timesheet

Students/Temps - Enter Time on Timesheet

Unclassified Exempt - Enter Time on Timesheet

Unclassified Hourly - Enter Time on Timesheet

Unclassified Non-exempt - Enter Time on Timesheet