Yes, you must submit your timesheet at the end of the pay period even if you did not take any exception time during the month.
See the how do I submit my timesheet FAQ for instructions on the submit process and Timesheet Deadlines for details on when you must submit your timesheet.
You will need to change the holiday from the observed day (the default day the holiday will display in EmpCenter) to the actual day in the following situations:
Employees log in to the system using their ONID username and password through single sign on with Duo multi-factor authentication.
You do not need to sign up to use EmpCenter, but you do need to activate your ONID and sign up for Duo.
To activate your ONID, visit https://onid.oregonstate.edu/ and click Activate your ONID.
Yes it does. In addition to Workforce's EmpCenter, OSU also purchased the Absence Compliance Tracker (ACT). ACT's primary purpose is to administer case development and tracking for FMLA and other protected leave.
During a campus closure, Classified employees required to work on campus (or other university locations) must enter Essential Time in addition to worked time to earn 1.5X pay for hours worked. To earn 2.5X pay for hours worked, the employee must use Closure Leave (using the Closure Leave with Essential Time pay code) in addition to entering Essential Time and worked hours.
Labor distribution changes are not completed in EmpCenter; labor changes can be made using:
Changing the default labor on NBAJOBS
Or labor redistribution in PYAREDS
Or changing labor in PYAHOUR.
Supervisors can view exceptions that are on employee timesheets via the EmpCenter dashboard, when editing employee time, when approving timesheets, or by running an exception report.
See the Exceptions Box FAQ for more information about the exceptions box on the dashboard.
See the Edit Employee Time FAQ for instructions on viewing employee timesheets.
After logging in to EmpCenter, access your timesheet by clicking on My Timesheet from the employee dashboard:
Note: your employee dashboard may look slightly different than the image above. The options available to you are determined by your role and policy profile.
Your timesheet will open to the current open pay period.
To access EmpCenter, click on Login to EmpCenter at https://mytime.oregonstate.edu/:
At the Single Sign On page, login with your ONID username and password:
After selecting the pay code and dates for the time off request (see the create time off request FAQ for instructions), click on the upload an attachment... link:
In the Upload Attachment window, click on the file browser link:
If you are designated as an “Essential” employee and are required to report to work during a University closure you need to note the time worked during the closure as Essential Time in EmpCenter to ensure you are paid properly. Please note the instructions below are in addition to entering your work hours as normal (clocking, work in/out, regular hours) on your timesheet.
With EmpCenter 19.1, approved time off request emails include an attachment to add the dates/times of the request to your email calendar. Follow the steps below to add the time to your calendar:
1. Click on the Approved attachment in the email:
2. In the dialogue box, select yes to open the calendar appointment:
To add a row:
Click on the plus sign for the date you would like to add an additional row to:
Note: you can add as many rows as needed for the day.
To delete a row:
A: If you forget to clock in or out for the day, EmpCenter will display a red level Error (not paid) exception:
To correct the error, enter your start time (for missing in clocks) or your end time (for missing out clocks) and save your changes:
Valid reasons for adjusting clock time include:
Computer issues preventing use of web clock.
Assisting students and/or customers at start of shift and unable to clock.
Missed in or out punch.
Starting or ending your shift away from a computer.
EmpCenter unavailable.
Running late or being out of the office are not valid reasons for adjusting clock time. Any changes to clocked time will be recorded in the system.
After a timesheet has been processed, any changes must go through the amended timesheet procedure. Timesheets can be amended up to 365 days in the past.
You will only request to have your timesheet amended if you need to correct misreported time or leave.
Note: if you cannot access the timesheet, see the Viewing Past Assignments process for details on viewing timesheets from previous jobs.
You will not see employee time off request on the EmpCenter Mobile dashboard. You can either access them directly using the link in the time off request email or click Manage Time Off from the Supervisor Dashboard.
1. After clicking on Manage Time Off, click on the employee request you would like to review:
You can review your employees’ timesheets at any point in the pay period, but you must approve timesheets at the end of the period. You will receive a notification email from EmpCenter when approvals are due.
Please note, if you have hourly and salaried employees their timesheets have different approval windows. See the Timesheet Deadlines page for more details.
Classified employees that are designated “essential” and are required to work on campus (or other University location) during a University closure record those hours in EmpCenter using the Essential Time pay code. If you are not sure if your employee should be designated as an essential employee, please contact your HR team for assistance.
If the university is closed or has a delayed opening, classified employees can use Closure Leave for the work time missed due to the closure. See the Inclement Weather FAQ for more details.
Please note, essential employees that worked during the closure can also enter Closure Leave in addition to Essential Time to be paid double time and a half for those hours.