How do I amend my timesheet?

After a timesheet has been processed, any changes must go through the amended timesheet procedure.  Timesheets can be amended up to 365 days in the past.

You will only request to have your timesheet amended if you need to correct misreported time or leave. 

Note: if you cannot access the timesheet, see the Viewing Past Assignments process for details on viewing timesheets from previous jobs.

  1. Select My Timesheet from the Employee Dashboard:
    my timesheet link on the employee dashboard
    Note: your dashboard view is determined by your role and policy profile.  It may look different than the picture above.

  2. Change the pay period to the period that needs changes:
    use the arrows by the pay period to change the dates you are viewing
  3. Print the timesheet.  You may need to first change the print preferences to only print the timesheet, see Printing Preferences for more details:
    more button with print selected to print timesheet

  4. On the printed timesheet, write in the changes that need to be made then sign and date it:
    printed timesheet with corrections written on it then signed and dated

  5. Give the printed timesheet to your supervisor for processing.

Your supervisor will submit the timesheet to HR.  If additional pay is required, you may receive a manual check. 

Please note, it may take several weeks before the changes are reflected in EmpCenter.