Classified Salaried Exempt employees are expected to enter elapsed worked hours (e.g. 8, 9.5) on the timesheet and use the time off request process for pre-approved leave.
The time entry process can also be used for recording of select differentials or time off that was not pre-planned, such as an illness.
Access your timesheet by clicking on My Timesheet on the Employee Dashboard:
Select the day you need to enter time for. The Pay Code field will be highlighted:
Select the Pay Code from the drop down list:
Note: the pay codes available to you depend on your policy profile. See Pay Codes for more information.
Enter the elapsed time (i.e., 8, 1.5) in the Hours column:
Click Save at the top of the timesheet to save your changes:
You’ll receive confirmation that your changes have been saved:
If you try to navigate away from the timesheet before saving any changes, you’ll receive a warning: