If you earn overtime in a week, you can choose to be paid the overtime at time and one half your regular rate or receive Comp time – additional time off – at time and one half of hours earned.
Access your timesheet by selecting My Timesheet from the Dashboard:
To request Comp time, choose Overtime Comp Requested from the Pay Code drop down list on any day* of the week you earned overtime:
*Note: you can add the Overtime Comp Requested pay code to any day of the week that overtime was earned UNLESS the week crosses over pay periods. If the week crosses pay periods, you must add the pay code to the pay period the overtime is earned. You can determine which pay period the overtime was earned by checking the Results tab in each pay period for Overtime Earned:
Enter the amount of overtime to convert to Comp Time in the Hours column – you can choose to convert up to the entire amount of overtime:
Save your changes:
You’ll see the Comp Time reflected on the Results tab:
Note: the results tab only shows the number of hours requested, not the amount earned.
And the Leave Balances tab – this tab shows the amount of Comp Time earned based on the amount requested: