1. After accessing the timesheet using the My Timesheet link on the Mobile Dashboard, select the plus sign to add hours to the timesheet:
2. The date will default to the current date; change the date if needed by clicking on the date field:
Note: clicking on a date in the calendar window will return you to the time entry window.
3. Click on the Pay Code field then click on the pay code for the entry:
Reminder: the pay codes listed will depend on your policy profile.
4. Click on the Hours field to open the hours entry window:
For elapsed time pay codes, enter the full three digit amount used then click done:
For in/out pay codes, click on Start Time, enter the full hour and minutes and select am/pm then click done, repeat the process with the End Time field:
Note: for shifts that cross midnight, select the appropriate day for the start or end time.
5. Enter comments if needed then click Done:
6. Click Timesheet to return to the timesheet:
Note: edit will open the time entry window again for changes, copy will allow you to copy the entry to paste on other dates, and delete row will delete the entry.