EmpCenter will automatically add an hour meal for classified employees only on any day with 6 or more work hours (either clock or work in/out) entered on the timesheet.  The automatic meal punch can be overridden by a schedule assigned by the supervisor or the employee can change the amount directly on their timesheet.

To adjust a meal punch, simply type the correct elapsed time (e.g. .5, .75, 1.5) in the Hours field for the meal entry on the timesheet:

change meal time by clicking in the meal field and typing the correct elapsed time

If you work less than 6 hours in a day but took a meal, you can add meal to your timesheet.  Select Meal from the Pay Code drop down and enter the elapsed time (e.g. .5, 1, 1.5) in the Hours column:

select meal from the pay code drop down to add to timesheet

meal added to timesheet and saved


For instructions on adding rows, see the how to add/delete timesheet rows FAQ.