You will need to change the holiday from the observed day (the default day the holiday will display in EmpCenter) to the actual day in the following situations:
- You are not scheduled to work on the observed holiday but you are scheduled to work on the actual holiday. You will move the holiday whether or not you work the actual.
- You are not scheduled to work on the observed or actual holiday, but you work on the actual holiday. You will move the holiday to the actual day to ensure you are paid correctly.
- You are scheduled to work on the observed and actual, work both days, but work more hours on the actual holiday than the observed. You will move the holiday to ensure you are paid holiday time for the day you work more hours.
If you meet one of the above criteria, you will need to move the holiday on your timesheet from the observed day to the actual day.
Remember, for Classified employees, the holiday will not appear until you enter work or leave time before the holiday. If you are on a schedule, the hours entered must match your scheduled hours for the holiday to display. You will not be able to complete the steps below until the holiday is listed on the timesheet.
1. On your timesheet, change the Holiday pay code to Holiday Override using the Pay Code drop down list:
Note: do not change the hours listed, just the pay code.
2. On the actual holiday, select the Holiday pay code from the drop down list and enter the same number of hours listed on the observed holiday:
3. Save your changes:
If you do not work, you do not need to do anything else. If you work, record your work time as normal. If you would like to convert your work time to comp time, follow the instructions in the Holidays in EmpCenter user guide.