Classified employees may attend the annual Legislative Day and be paid for the day without using accumulated leave. Please note, travel time to and from the session is not included in work time.
You must submit an email or written request to your supervisor and receive approval to attend the session. Supervisors can deny requests based on the needs of the university.
If you do have approval to attend the session, how you record your time for the day is determined by your policy profile.
Classified Salaried Exempt:
Record your time as usual using the Regular Hours pay code. Enter “legislative day” in the comments field:
Classified Hourly and Classified Salaried Non-exempt:
Use the Work In/Out pay code and enter "legislative day" in the comments:
For more information about entering time directly on the timesheet as a Classified Salaried Non-exempt or Classified Hourly employee, see the FAQ below:
Classified Hourly - Enter Time on Timesheet
Classified Salaried Non-exempt - Enter Time on Timesheet
Note: For 2021, the annual legislative day is May 6th. Past dates were 4/17/19, 2/15/18, 4/20/17, 2/11/16, and 4/14/15.
Tags: OSU Day at the Capital, government relations, advocating, legislature, university day at the capital