How do I add an attachment to my time off request?

After selecting the pay code and dates for the time off request (see the create time off request FAQ for instructions), click on the upload an attachment... link:

create time off request window with upload an attachment link highlighted

In the Upload Attachment window, click on the file browser link:

upload attachment window with file browser link highlighted

In the File Upload window, select the file then click Open:

file upload window with file selected=

Note: the file must be less than 10MB and can be pdf, jpg, png, tif, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, or txt file type.

In the Upload Attachment window, click on Upload Attachment:

upload attachment with file uploaded and upload attachment button highlighted

You will see the file on the Create Time Off Request window:

create time off request window with document attachment

Note: if you need to remove the document, click on the red x next to attachement to delete it. 

Click Next to continue with the time off request.