How do I record Union Steward time?

If you are a Union Steward, you record time spent on steward responsibilities during your regular scheduled work time in EmpCenter.  You still record your work hours as usual (clock, work in/out, or regular hours); the Steward Hours pay code is used to identify the amount of your work time spent on union duties.  The process to add the Steward Hours pay code is the same for all classified policy profiles.  

1. After recording your work hours as usual, on your timesheet, add a row to the day you need to include the Steward hours pay code by clicking on the green plus sign next to the Date column:

arrow pointing to add a row button on timesheet

Note: you can add the Steward Hours pay code at any time after you've recorded your work hours, as long as the time is entered before the end of the pay period.

Related FAQs:


Enter Time as a Classified Salaried Exempt Employee

Enter Time as a Classified Hourly Employee

Enter Time as a Classified Salaried Non-Exempt Employee

Add a Row to the Timesheet

2. Select the Steward Hours pay code from the Pay Code drop down list:

pay code drop down list with steward hours pay code selected

3. Enter the number of hours during your work day spent on Union Steward responsibilities then Save:

hours entered for steward hours pay code and timesheet saved

Note: the Steward Hours pay code does not add to the total hours for the week or the pay period.


If you enter more hours in the Steward Hours pay code row then hours worked for the day, EmpCenter will generate a yellow warning exception:

excess hours entered for steward hours pay code yellow exception on timesheet

Change the hours and save your timesheet to remove the exception.